Friday, April 3, 2009


one boring lonely night in georgia, as usual.

Im in Georgia visiting my husband. I got here a month and one week ago for his graduation from basic training. Im coming home on Monday. Its going to be a long long drive but well worth it to see my family. Im going to miss David. He has to stay here in Fort Benning to A. wait a month to start RIP or B. go to world wide hold over to get his duty station. It may be a month or two who knows.. but it will be good for both of us to focus on things we need to do, for him, training, for me, school.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

LDS Dance! :)

Oh boi! What a night! I went to an LDS dance tonight. bahaha. I wore black dress pants and they made me wear an icky black skirt. haha. i felt way lame but I had alot of fun anyway. :) I got to help cut the edges off of pictures, play with balloons and I even got in a dance or two.
After taking weirdo pictures.

oh my! what a night!

me being weird!


Friday, February 13, 2009


My baby sister is almost 5 whole months old in two days! She is freaking adorable and I love her! Tonight I got to babysit her and we took alot of really cute pictures! I am sure going to miss her growing up when I move away! :( but i will get to see videos and pictures. :)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Compulisive Buyer with no money!

Okay so since we last talked, i have been really lazy and boring and I sit at home and do nothing or I go to redbox and get movies to consume my endless days.
Also since Red box happens to be attatched to a Maverick store, I go in and compulsivley buy things!!! Even though I am poor.

My Vitamin Energy drink. I got it cause it remindedme of David. (LAMO)

Valentines Day Cards. cause I have no valentine to be with and they were only $2.45 at Fred Meyer. So be expecting one in the mail my lovely friends. (and David, haha he will probably get push ups)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pita Chips T-Shirt!!

Okay so I am leaving for Georgia in 24 days!! I got my essential body stuff like shampoo and conditioner and body wash, stuff like that. I got my dress for the ceremony and also I got my hair cut and colored. I am soo excited. My friend Rose, from Washington made me the coolest shirt ever. It is based on a song we sang on our missions trip in New York, summer 2008. We changed the lyrics and it became our inside joke. So I am just keeping busy busy busy while waiting for the big date!

I get a little bit crazy when I am bored.


Thumbs up to Rose!!

The back.

The front.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I miss David alot, I got to talk to him today though so it was a good day!
Alright, these pictures are from when David came home from basic for christmas break but I forgot to post them then so here they are now.

Me and my sign I made for my Honey!

Hugs are nice, especially after 2 months apart! :)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Back to Bootcamp.

David is back at bootcamp. He left January 6th early in the morning. This last week has been a bummer week. Ive been pretty mopy. Good news is I am done with high school on friday and David graduates from bootcamp February 27th and hopefully I will be able to make it to Georgia to see it happen. I miss him lots and lots! Im so proud of him for going through with this.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Wedding

Everything about the wedding was amazing! I had alot of fun. and I was really excited to see all my family and friends.